Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Working Across Generations

Finally a publication that synthesizes the research on emerging leaders! Frances Kunreuther from the Building Movement Project and her co-authors have recently released an innovative publication that address the next generation of leadership in the nonprofit sector. Working Across Generations: Defining the Future of Nonprofit Leadership is "comprehensive look at the leadership and generational shifts in the nonprofit sector. The book presents ideas and gives practical advice on how to approach generational changes in leadership so that the contributions of long-time leaders are valued, new and younger leaders' talent is recognized, and groups are better prepared to work across generational divides."

YNPN San Diego is proud to announce that San Diego's own Laura Dietrick (USD) and Emily Davis (EDA Consulting) have their research referenced throughout this amazing resource. It is an honor to have local efforts recognized on a national scale with other highly-respected researchers.

Be sure to pick up a copy of this publication through the Working Across Generations website. Also, make sure to to look at and sign up for YNPN San Diego's upcoming professional development opportunities as we continue to address and develop the needs of local emerging leaders in the nonprofit community!

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