Earlier this week one of YNPN San Diego's Advisory Board Co-Chairs (Mariel Berry) had the opportunity to talk with Rebecca Alvarez, one of our Community Council members to ask her a few questions and learn about what motivates her to be part of the San Diego non-profit community.
Mariel Berry: What is your current role in the nonprofit community?
Rebecca Alvarez: I am Executive Director and one of the founders of NP Strategies, a nonprofit strategy consulting organization here in San Diego. I'm also on YNPN's Community Council and a volunteer at my son's school.
MB: How did you come to be involved with nonprofits?
RA: I have been involved with nonprofits as a volunteer since my youth, but professionally I first became involved when I was doing management consulting in the for-profit sector. One of my clients (for a merger/acquisition project) was a large ($150 million) nonprofit in Washington D.C. It was a very interesting/challenging project and peaked my interest in the nonprofit sector. Working with San Diego nonprofits began when I made a career transition from the for-profit to nonprofit sector and began as the founding ED of NP Strategies.
MB: What motivated you to get involved with YNPN San Diego and their Community Council?
RA: I think its a great organization and plays an important role building a community/network of emerging sector leaders. I see it as one of the "infrastructure" organizations that plays a role in strengthening the nonprofit sector overall, and that is something I'm passionate about.
MB: How do you see YNPN San Diego impacting the nonprofit community?
RA: See above -- how I see it impacting the community is the reason I got involved -- connecting leaders with future leaders, future leaders with one another [etc.]....Also the listserve is a great resource because it serves as a central place for sharing information about what's going on in the sector.
MB: What advice would you give to emerging young professionals in the nonprofit sector?
RA:Don't focus your learning on what is specific to nonprofits -- there is plenty to learn there, but a LOT can also be learned about just general management, leadership and strategy -- topics that are not unique to the sector.
MB: Is there anything else that you would like to share about the YNPN San Diego network or the San Diego nonprofit community?
RA: Keep up the great work!
Thanks for the great words and unique perspective you have shared with us, Rebecca. We are lucky to have your experience and positive attitude cheering us on!
Signing off,