Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Blog Post: YNPN San Diego's Story

For years various emerging leaders in the San Diego community have been interested in starting an YNPN chapter in San Diego. In March 20008, Emily Davis relocated here from Denver, CO and immediately looked for the local chapter. She served on the Denver YNPN Board of Directors as the Secretary and loved the experience. Being new to the community, she knew that YNPN could be THE network where should would be able to connect with other young nonprofit professionals both personally and professionally.

After talking with some of her new acquaintances at Emerging Practioners in Philanthropy (E
PIP) and Association of Fundraising Professionals San Diego (AFP) she learned that no chapter existed, but that people were interested in having one. Emily (a.k.a. "Ed" to YNPN-ers) submitted the paperwork to the national YNPN and set up a website - the same website you see at now.

While building the website, she used her experience as a consultant and a board member at Denver YNPN to create job descriptions, committee descriptions, and the beginnings of a vision for YNPN San Diego. Now all she needed were people...

By an incredible twist of fate, Ed learned about Heather Carpenter at the AFP International Conference in March. Heather had coordinated a networking event sponsored by USD and Opportunity Knocks the night after the AFP International Conference finished. At that event, she hoped to find out what the interest would be in launching a local YNPN chapter.

Heather had been involved in the San Francisco Bay Area YNPN and had years of nonprofit experience. Her focus and passion was on leadership within the nonprofit sector and she currently serves as a consultant, blogger, and PhD student! Heather invited Ed to attend the event and the pieces began to fall into place.

Ed arrived at the event with sign up sheets, YNPN San Diego business cards, and half-sheet flyers explaining who YNPN San Diego would be and to get people to participate. That event brought in the first forty YNPN San Diego members.

Board and committee applications came in rapidly as enthusiasm and interest for the local chapter mounted. Soon thereafter, there were 10 board members and multiple committees. As of August 2008, YNPN San Diego had over 250 members, hosted two successful networking events (a total
of 160 attendees at the events), and created an incredible board and committees. YNPN San Diego continues to need your support through volunteering on our many committees. To find out more information, be sure to visit the YNPN San Diego website and watch for upcoming networking and professional development opportunities!

Thank you to the San Diego community and everyone who has been a part of making the YNPN San Diego chapter possible. It is because of your support that we have been able to be successful. Your continued support will be critical in YNPN San Diego's future.

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