Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Social Media Resources

With all the different kinds of social media out there today it can be confusing. YNPN San Diego has been built on social media to recruit more than 350 members in less than a year! YNPN SD primarily uses Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blogging, and its listserv to communicate with its members. We use these different tooks because we know that different people have different needs and understanding of social media.

In addition to these tools, YNPN San Diego recently added a page on its website for a list of definitions and resources on social media. Check out our website to find information on the following online networking resources:
Want to help develop and manage YNPN San Diego communications with its members and the San Diego community? Comsider joining the Communications Team! Click here to learn more.

We hope that these resources and information help you as you use more and more social media. Thank you to Emily at EDA Consulting LLC for sharing this list of definitions and recommended reading. You can contact EDA Consulting to learn more about using social media as a fundraising and communications tool.

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