From Heather Carpenter, former YNPN San Diego board member and workshop attendee...
I thought it was quite fitting that Rosetta Thurman recently wrote the blog post "
From Entry Level to Leadership: How to Join a Nonprofit Board of Directors" since this and other issues came up during YNPN San Diego's
Next Gen Governance professional development workshop last Monday evening.
In this lively workshop, participants brainstormed and discussed a variety of next gen governance
issues including:
- Qualities of emerging leaders and seasoned leaders;
- Possibilities of multi-generations collaborating in governance, and;
- Gaps to multi-generational governance collaboration.
In order for successful mult-generational governance collaboration to occur, next gen and seasoned leaders need to recognize each others qualities and strengths and overcome multi-generational gaps (described below).
Qualities of Emerging Leaders*Flexible *Enthusiasm *Tech *Diverse *Savvy *Web 2.0 *Perspective (Geographic) *New Funding Sources *Risk Taking *Fresh Ideas *Open-Minded *Urgency *Innovative *Sustainable/Green *Networks *Willingness to Fail *Competitive Energy *Committed *Resourceful *Academic Knowledge
Qualities of Seasoned Leaders*Established networks *Sustainability *Resources through connections and networks *Knowledgeable *Experienced *Storytelling *Execution *Confident *Efficient *Grounded *For-profit/nonprofit experience *Lifetime experience *Vision *Realistic *Emotional Intelligence *Community knowledge *Reputation *Roots
Possibilities of multi-generational governance collaboration*Viewing the whole picture *Movement *Balance *Organizational and personal growth *Exchange of knowledge *Inclusiveness *Commonalities *$ *Sustainability *Continuity *Maintaining/sharing *Innovation/discovery/strategy *Dynamic organization *Stability
Gaps to multi-generational governance collaboration*Engagement *Dialog *Articulate possibilities *Awareness *Confidence *Ego *Credibility *Common ground *Ability to see different perspectives *Fear *Lack of opportunities *Undervalued-next gen/seasoned *Next gen learning before we jump *Looking beyond stereotypes *Open to innovation *Co-mentorship *Retention *Organizational dynamics *What is redifing a board *Embracing change *All knowing versus organizational learning *Valuing Change *Compromises
For more information on Next Gen Governance, visit BoardSource's research on the topic by clicking
MANY THANKS to the generous in kind supporters for this event:

CONGRATULATIONS to our gift drawing recipients:
Wes Lindquist and Jessica St. Clair.
Wes received a $25 gift certificate to Sammy's Woodfired Pizza and Jessica received a gift certificate for one training at Nonprofit Management Solutions.
You can enter to receive a drawing gift certificate by making a donation at our next event on April 16th. Save the date & be sure to register for our one year Birthday Bash!
THANK YOU to all of the amazing volunteers who put together this fantastic workshop. Be sure to check out the photos from the event on our website and on the side bar here.
Join YNPN San Diego on May 30 for our next workshop - Powerful Partnerships: Intergenerational Coaching.