The conference is organized for and planned by young adults (ages 18-35). The goal of the conference is to connect young adults through open dialogue and interactive program content; to help participants discover ways they can build peace through personal and social awareness; to assist in building leadership skills; and to foster a sense of accomplishment and confidence through community service.
We use cutting-edge leadership and facilitation techniques to engage and focus participants with integrative tools for deep listening and quiet reflection. If you are ready to embrace your leadership and become a committed, active citizen, do not miss out on this amazing opportunity!
This year’s conference will be held on April 10th-11th, 2010 at San Diego State University. REGISTER HERE! Read below for more details about speakers and sessions.
- Regular $30;
- Student $25;
- YNPN or ISCORSS members $20
Please contact Tiffany Olson for more information 619-338-9981 or tolson@sandiegohostels.org.
Learn more about the conference at http://peacebuildingsandiego.org/
Register for the conference at http://pct2010.eventbrite.com/
Conference Schedule
Saturday, April 10th
8:15 - 9:00am: Check-in
9:00 - 9:30am: Breakfast
9:30 - 9:45am: Welcome
9:45 - 11:30am: World Café *
11:45 - 12:30pm: Lunch
12:30 - 2:30pm: Keynote Speakers **
2:50 - 5:00pm: YNPN Workshop ***
5:00 - 6:00pm: Wrap-up
Sunday, April 11th: Service Project Day! Connect with others while serving the community (Limited space available)
Speaker and Session Information
World Cafe*
World Cafe is an innovative yet simple methodology for hosting conversations about questions that matter. These conversations link and build on each other as people move between groups, cross-pollinate ideas, and discover new insights into the questions or issues that are most important in their life, work, or community. As a process, the World Café can evoke and make visible the collective intelligence of any group, thus increasing people’s capacity for effective action in pursuit of common aims.
Sherehe Hollins
Through her highly acclaimed one-woman show, titled after her book, Ms. Roze utilizes her poetry and performance art as a platform to promote self and multicultural awareness. Through Heart Love she has developed and conducted bilingual workshops on the primary, middle, secondary, and post secondary grade levels throughout San Diego, Riverside, Los Angeles, Chicago and Puerto Rico. Ms. Roze realizes the value of connecting cultures. She has studied in Cuernavaca, Mexico, Barbados and Puerto Rico. She is bilingual and writes and performs in Spanish. She is the creator of a bilingual curriculum, which highlights Africa’s legacy throughout Latin America. The goal of her work is to foster understanding, cultivate awareness, and build positive relationships amongst diverse groups of people.
Starla Lewis
Starla Lewis is a woman on a mission. She has developed and facilitated seminars in the areas of Cultural Diversity, Life Mastery and Human Potential both nationally and internationally. Her 36 years of research and experience in Ethnic Studies, Women Studies and African Studies have enhanced her ability to connect diverse communities. Ms. Lewis works with corporations, social organizations, penal institutions and school districts. She has utilized her creative abilities as an author, poet, and performer to create a unique "edutaining" environment for her experiential lectures, workshops and seminars. She has appeared on numerous television and radio programs, and The San Diego Union Tribune recently profiled her as the Bob Marley Peace Award recipient for leadership. Starla holds a M.S. degree in Counseling and is a six-time recipient of the Mesa College Teacher of the Year Award. She is currently Professor of Black Studies at San Diego Mesa College and is completing her latest book on Racism and Sexism.
YNPN San Diego
Join YNPN San Diego and leaders from the San Diego nonprofit community to discuss what leadership looks like throughout the generations. Listen in as the panelists discuss what each generation brings to the leadership table and how we can together prepare for the future of leadership. Following the panel, we will open the space with facilitated group conversations about multiple generations working together to advance the nonprofit community in San Diego. Panelists include Mallory Kozar from Shakti Rising, John Falchi, and Sherri Petro. The session will be facilitated by YNPN San Diego's own Emily Davis.
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