What has been your favorite YNPN San Diego program? Meet and Greets.
Is there a YNPN Meet and Greet that you enjoyed in particular? My first YNPN event at The Palm, a great venue, very personal, met some great, enthusiastic and committed professionals and even the servers were very nice! What did you enjoy most about attending the Meet and Greets? Expanding my social and professional network outside of my industry and augmenting my education about the non-profit area.
How are you involved with the San Diego nonprofit community? I am an ardent supporter of the San Diego Asian Film Foundation.
What is the mission of the San Diego Asian Film Foundation? Our mission is to connect audiences with the human experience through the Pan Asian media arts. We fulfill our mission by: Presenting unique, culturally-enriching programs that would otherwise be inaccessible to the public; Engaging the public in meaningful discourse and positive social change through our programs; Promoting artistic excellence, innovation and the independent voice; Strengthening San Diego as an arts destination.
What was the most creative fundraiser in which you ever participated? San Diego Asian Film Foundation Gala 2009.
Can you tell me a little bit about the San Diego Asian Film Foundation Gala? [This is the] primary fund-raising event for the San Diego Asian Film Foundation and [was] held in conjunction with the annual San Diego Asian Film Festival (10th year in 2009).
What made it so unique? A celebration of film and the media arts, the Asian and Asian-American experience and a fun event involving a silent auction, celebrity attendance, food, libation and entertainment....a cross-section of ages and demographic....the event felt personal and accessible...The Oscars ‘SDAFF-style’ to support a very worthwhile and valued non-profit organization in San Diego.
What role do you see emerging leaders (35 and younger) playing in the future of the San Diego nonprofit community? [They are] critical for the future survival and generational culture of nonprofit causes and programs.
How did you initially become involved in YNPN San Diego, and how do you see its programs as playing a role in the development of other young professionals? I had a concept for a nonprofit organization and wanted to learn more about nonprofits in a stimulating open environment. YNPN San Diego provides an “incubator” for networking, mentorship and professional development of young nonprofit professionals.
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