Facilitated by Dave Macek, Executive Director Red Lotus Society
While you may have heard it first on an airplane, the rule still applies out of the air: please put on your own oxygen mask before you assist anyone else. Stated another way - only when we first help ourselves can we effectively help others. Easier said then done, right?
Join YNPN San Diego and leaders from the San Diego nonprofit community in a unique dialogue on the importance of self care; breaking through any obstacles preventing you to creating a healthier and happier YOU; and small steps to take you in that direction while sharing resources and tips of successful self care practices.
During our July Professional Development workshop, you will leave the workshop with:
- An expanded awareness of practices and tools of self care
- Easy practices to implement in your own life
- A declaration of your personal self care
- Tips and resources of self care practices
About the facilitator, Dave Macek
Dave's goal is simply, To Serve, and Red Lotus Society is the perfect vehicle for him to carry out that mission. He has been the Executive Director of RLS since June of 2009. Dave is a native of Massachusetts and has been living in San Diego for the past 5 years. During his 'pre-yoga' college days, he played football and weighed 90 pounds more than his present weight. After encountering some back problems from years of power lifting, Dave decided to give yoga a try thanks to the encouragement of his dear friend, Melissa. After taking just one class, Dave knew he was home. Although the initial benefits he experienced were mainly physical, the mental, emotional, and spiritual transformations that followed are beyond words. Upon returning from backpacking Europe last summer, where he worked on an organic farm/yoga retreat center in Greece, Dave knew his next step was to enroll in teacher training. Dave's focus when teaching is to help students experience in their yoga practice what we each look for in every moment of our lives: Joy, Peace, and Love. Having the opportunity to instruct yoga students and be part of Red Lotus Society has been one of the most precious joys of his life.
About Red Lotus Society:
Red Lotus Society, a 501c3 educational non-profit organization founded in 2006, promotes peace by creating environments for education in mindfulness, community, and cultural awareness. RLS envisions a more peaceful, compassionate, and sustainable world in which mindfulness is a common practice of everyday life. The organization restored the nearly-condemned, historic Ideal Hotel (Est. 1912) in downtown San Diego into a vibrant community center with a meditation and yoga studio, tea room, and communal residency program. Visit www.redlotussociety.org for more information and a schedule of classes and events.
When: Thursday, July 15, 2010
Where: Red Lotus Society (540 3rd Ave, San Diego CA 92101)
Free Parking Options:
- Free (3 hr) Parking at Horton Plaza (Make sure you validate ticket in mall BEFORE coming to workshop). Lot is just one block away (2 minute walk) at 3rd Avenue and G Street
- Anytime after 6 PM street parking is FREE (meters/yellow/green). You can even park in yellow commercial zones. Red/Blue curbs however are not acceptable.
- There is a large ‘5 Star’ parking lot on the corner of 2nd Avenue & J Street. It charges a $5 flat rate after 5pm Sun – Thur.
- You may also opt for the 6th & K Parkade, a 4 story structure with 1000 spaces. It is open 24/7. The flat evening rate is $3 Sun – Thur.
Who: YNPN San Diego community - members and nonmembers of all ages
- 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. Sign-In and Networking
- 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Program
- 7:30 – 8:00 p.m. Intro to Meditation (Red Lotus Society)
- 8:00 – 10:00 p.m. Tea Room Open and Networking
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