What is the listserv? The listserv is simply an email distribution list with nearly 650 members from San Diego nonprofits! The listserv is open only to YNPN San Diego members meaning that you need to fill out a form on our website to become a member for free. The listserv is one of our greatest member-only benefits. You can post news by emailing ynpnsd@lists.ynpn.org. Do not reply to a listserv digest; this will only send your message to the administrators of the listserv.
When can I see my post on the listserv? The listserv postings are sent out every day at 8:00 a.m. Therefore, if you send something to the listserv 8:30 a.m., it will be posted to the next day's digest at 8:00 a.m. This is an important detail to keep in mind for when you post - sending something to the listserv on weekday is probably going to get more traffic and attention that it would during a weekend. Currently, the majority of listserv members receive the daily digest of postings, but you can change your subscription type at any time by following the listserv instructions on our website.
Can YNPN San Diego post to the listserv for me? We can, but it is best that you post directly to the listserv rather than YNPN San Diego posting for you. The reason for this is that if there are questions about your posting (event, service, question, etc.) people will be more likely to respond directly to you. YNPN San Diego will not be able to answer the questions about your post as well as you can. We encourage all members to post to the listserv directly by emailing ynpnsd@lists.ynpn.org.
What can I share on the listserv? You can share questions, resources, organizational events, and more! Anything related to nonprofits is welcome. We do not accept partisan postings or anything endorsing specific candidates. Also, any inappropriate language or content is not permitted. You can see a full list of our listserv and social media guidelines on our website. Don't forget that you are also welcome to post information to our LinkedIn Group and Facebook Page - we welcome knowledge sharing!
I've requested to join the listserv, but cannot post - why? If you cannot post to the listserv it means one of two things: 1) you have not completed a membership form and, therefore, have not been added to the listserv or 2) you completed a membership form but did not ask to be added to the listserv. You will need to become a member of YNPN San Diego to post information to the listserv. Remember, that membership is open to San Diego nonprofit professionals (staff, board, consultants, volunteers) of ALL AGES!
Please remember that YNPN San Diego is a volunteer-led organization. We update the listserv weekly, so be sure to plan ahead when you sign up to become a member and want to post to the listserv.
For more details about the YNPN San Diego's listserv and online communications including our online communications policy, visit our website.