Young nonprofit professionals from all over San Diego convened at the Bamboo Lounge Sept. 16 to enjoy each other’s company, learn about one another’s work and explore leadership opportunities for young professionals in San Diego. Many thanks to Bamboo Lounge for hosting us!
With the theme of the meet and greet, “Developing local leadership in San Diego’s civic and service communities”, YNPN San Diego brought together local leaders from within YNPN San Diego, New Leaders Council, Stay Classy and Mama’s Kitchen to inspire the attendees to become leaders in the community.
Megan Lim, board member for YNPN San Diego as well as NLC opened the program and talked about her experience as a part of both YNPN San Diego and NLC.
After Megan, Pat Walsh of Stay Classy encouraged the crowd to nominate their favorite nonprofit charity for the second annual Stay Classy Awards. Described as the Academy Awards of nonprofit work the Classy Awards recognize the top philanthropic achievement in eight cities across the country. While the nomination period is closed stay tuned for the Nov. 7 announcement of finalists and voting.
Carlos Marquez, Co-Director of NLC began by flattering the audience; praising the intelligence and leadership within the room. Marquez then spoke of the importance of San Diego’s young professionals in forwarding the progressive agenda. He encouraged all in the room to apply for the 2011 NLC Institute.
Alberto Cortes, Executive Director of Mama’s Kitchen shared his passion for civic involvement by reminding the attendees “Society is measured by its ability to serve those less fortunate.” Cortes also reminded participants that involvement no matter how small is impactful in a big way.
Thanks to all who came out and contributed to the event’s success. We are looking forward to carrying the momentum from this event to our October 21 Back to School Book Swap Meet and Greet! Watch our Facebook Page for more pictures from the event!
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