YNPN San Diego presents:
How to Build a Strong Professional Network (from scratch)
with Top Nonprofit Blogger and Author Rosetta Thurman
Sponsored by The Leichtag Foundation

You’ve heard this many times before. The key to getting your dream nonprofit job or moving up in the sector is to network, network, and network some more. You’ve heard it so many times because it’s true. But how do you network if you don't have much of a "network?" Well, back in the day, before Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, nonprofit leaders actually made connections face to face most of the time. These days, technology has made communication much less time-consuming, however the old-fashioned methods of networking still hold true. This interactive presentation will reveal nine practical ways to build your network from scratch - both on and offline.How to Build a Strong Professional Network (from scratch)
with Top Nonprofit Blogger and Author Rosetta Thurman
Sponsored by The Leichtag Foundation

Registration includes light appetizers and beverages. Join us on November 9th at 6:00 p.m. Registration is only $10 and the Powerhouse Community Center!
About Rosetta Thurman

Rosetta Thurman writes about nonprofits, leadership and social change on her popular blog rosettathurman.com and her mission is to empower a new generation of leaders. She is the co-author of How to Become a Nonprofit Rockstar, 50 Ways to Accelerate Your Career, an accessible, do-it-yourself map of how to build a successful career in the nonprofit sector. Rosetta also blogs for the Chronicle of Philanthropy, the Stanford Social Innovation Review, and hosts All Nonprofits Considered, an internet radio show featuring live discussions with social change leaders. Rosetta holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management with a concentration in Nonprofit Management from Trinity University and a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Virginia Commonwealth University. She has also completed advanced training programs at The Fundraising School at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University and the Institute for Nonprofit Management at Columbia Business School.
Rosetta is an active member of the Organizational Development Network and serves on the Advisory Council for the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of DC. Rosetta has also taught nonprofit management and leadership as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Professional Studies at Trinity Washington University.In 2008, she was named a “New Leader in Philanthropy” by Greater DC Cares. In her free time, she writes poetry, cooks fancy food and listens to old school jams. She also tweets. A lot.
The Nonprofit Rockstar Tour
The Nonprofit Ro

Top nonprofit bloggers Rosetta Thurman and Trista Harris have co-authored the first book of its kind to offer career advice beyond just getting your foot in the door of a nonprofit organization. How to Become a Nonprofit Rockstar provides an accessible, do-it-yourself map of how to build a successful career in the nonprofit sector. As a result of reading this book, young professionals will be able to develop valuable nonprofit expertise, practice authentic leadership, and establish a strong personal brand.
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