About the program...
Networking events for some are intimidating; some even describe them as nerve-wracking or fearful. What would a networking event be like if you had the confidence to walk up to any person or group in the room?
Join YNPN San Diego for our November workshop, Breaking the Ice: Expanding Your Network as we prepare for the holiday networking season and the New Year. We will discuss, practice and play out techniques for joining existing conversations, getting new ones started and getting what you want or need from every conversation. This will be an active and fun workshop with a diverse group of nonprofit professionals - you’ll be applying and sharpening your networking skills as we practice them! Guest speaker is Linda Spuck from Union Bank and our facilitator is Brian Daugherty from University of San Diego - this is certainly a pair you will NOT want to miss!
Support YNPN San Diego Programs...
All of YNPN San Diego’s programs are free to its members, but there is a cost to coordinate these events, bring high-quality programs to the membership, and serve as a reliable and high-quality organization. Your donations help to ensure that YNPN San Diego can continue to meet these demands. Please consider making a donation online, through our Facebook Cause or at the event. Individuals who donate at the workshop, as well as one week prior and after the event, will be eligible for a gift from our generous in-kind supporters. The recommended donation for this event is $25.
About Sea Rocket Bistro
Sea Rocket Bistro is a farm-to-table restaurant that focuses on local foods in order to provide a more physical connection between their guests and the food they eat. Because much of the food available to us in San Diego is from the ocean, they focus on seafood. One local fisherman calls this "from boat to throat." Whatever you call it, they take the freshest ingredients that are available to us within a day's drive or so.
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