Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Using Social Media for More

I've been thinking lately about how we use social media in our professional lives. Certainly, it's pervasive, and now an online persona is just as important as an in-person personality. Not too long ago, before Twitter became a way to spread event news and find the latest deal, before Facebook was used for nonprofit Causes, and even before LinkedIn provided a way to digitally connect with our peers, social media outlets were a free-for-all. In the context of understanding how each different outlet serves its own unique purpose(s), both individuals and organizations faced the challenge of how to use these media sources to reach their core audiences, and in turn, spread their message.

Although the current state of social media hasn't been completely defined--in that its a constantly evolving, dynamic medium--it is now much easier for those savvy individuals looking to use social media and get a valuable return on their time. Dependent upon what's being measured, be it the number of subscribers to your organization's eNewsletter, an increase in Facebook Cause donations, or event signups, we can use any of a number of tools to find out what our constituencies really desire out of our community-based organizations.

So as nonprofit organization leaders, community supporters, and even philanthropists, the question then becomes, "How can I effectively listen?" Wayne Turmel, a BNET writer, published an article a few weeks back on how "Real Leaders Use Social Media to Shut Up and Listen." His candid approach hit the crux of how we use social media in such a way that is so relevant to nonprofit organizations--because by learning what our communities need, it then becomes that much easier to serve.

Written by Danielle Reyes-Acosta

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Q&A Spotlight with Community Council Member Rebecca Alvarez

Earlier this week one of YNPN San Diego's Advisory Board Co-Chairs (Mariel Berry) had the opportunity to talk with Rebecca Alvarez, one of our Community Council members to ask her a few questions and learn about what motivates her to be part of the San Diego non-profit community.

Mariel Berry: What is your current role in the nonprofit community?

Rebecca Alvarez: I am Executive Director and one of the founders of NP Strategies, a nonprofit strategy consulting organization here in San Diego. I'm also on YNPN's Community Council and a volunteer at my son's school.

MB: How did you come to be involved with nonprofits?

RA: I have been involved with nonprofits as a volunteer since my youth, but professionally I first became involved when I was doing management consulting in the for-profit sector. One of my clients (for a merger/acquisition project) was a large ($150 million) nonprofit in Washington D.C. It was a very interesting/challenging project and peaked my interest in the nonprofit sector. Working with San Diego nonprofits began when I made a career transition from the for-profit to nonprofit sector and began as the founding ED of NP Strategies.

MB: What motivated you to get involved with YNPN San Diego and their Community Council?

RA: I think its a great organization and plays an important role building a community/network of emerging sector leaders. I see it as one of the "infrastructure" organizations that plays a role in strengthening the nonprofit sector overall, and that is something I'm passionate about.

MB: How do you see YNPN San Diego impacting the nonprofit community?

RA: See above -- how I see it impacting the community is the reason I got involved -- connecting leaders with future leaders, future leaders with one another [etc.]....Also the listserve is a great resource because it serves as a central place for sharing information about what's going on in the sector.

MB: What advice would you give to emerging young professionals in the nonprofit sector?

RA:Don't focus your learning on what is specific to nonprofits -- there is plenty to learn there, but a LOT can also be learned about just general management, leadership and strategy -- topics that are not unique to the sector.

MB: Is there anything else that you would like to share about the YNPN San Diego network or the San Diego nonprofit community?

RA: Keep up the great work!

Thanks for the great words and unique perspective you have shared with us, Rebecca. We are lucky to have your experience and positive attitude cheering us on!

Signing off,


Monday, November 15, 2010

As Classy As Ever

Would you believe me if I told you that one year ago a bunch of guys who decided to earn money by growing mustaches raised $42 million and gave it all away to support cancers affecting men? Well, it’s true.

An innovative charity, called Movember, challenges men to change their appearance and the face of men’s health by growing a moustache…yes, a moustache. Participants from around the world begin each November clean-shaven and then grow a moustache for the entire month.

According to Adam Garone of Movember, “The moustache becomes the ribbon for men’s health, the means by which awareness and funds are raised to support men’s health. Much like the commitment to run or walk for charity, the men of Movember commit to growing a moustache for 30 days.” In case you weren’t taking notes, men + moustaches = BIG $ for charity. Now, before I explain why this idea is so striking to me, I’d like you to know where the merits of this unique initiative were espoused.

On Sunday, November 13, Mariel Berry and I presented an honor for Outstanding Young Nonprofit Professional at the 2nd Annual CLASSY Awards at San Diego’s Civic Theatre. This award show, hosted by local social fundraising company, StayClassy, recognized the top philanthropic achievements by charities, businesses, and individuals in eight major cities across the US. CLASSY Award winners included Nourishing NYC, who won for Charity of th
Year, and San Francisco-based The Office of Letters and Light, who earned the award for Most Innovative Use of Social Media.

It was a distinct honor for YNPN San Diego to participate as a partner for this year’s award ceremony, and I for one was inspired by the compelling stories shared by each presenter and award winner.

As I sat with Mariel watching the show, one presenter that really stood out was Movember’s Adam Garone, who traveled all the way from Australia to San Diego to present at the CLASSYs.

I was taken aback when he told the story about sitting at a bar with a few “mates” who thought it would be really cool to bring back the moustache as an homage to the 70s. The first year, the guys all spent a month growing groovy moustaches and then had a party at the end of November to show them off. The next year they decided that rather than just growing moustaches to grow moustaches they would get friends, family, and colleagues to donate money to support their efforts. This money would be pooled together to support Australia’s Prostate Cancer Foundation.n That year –2004– 432 men earned $55 thousand to support the organization, which, as it happened, was the largest donation it had ever received.

The more I listened to Adam Garone’s story, the more I thought about the number of untapped fundraising opportunities that exist, and the value of infusing creativity and fun into raising money for local nonprofits. Often, we think only about the importance of cultivating major donors, which of course is essential, but as young nonprofit professionals we can follow the Movember model and take a fun activity and turn it into an opportunity to make a meaningful financial impact on a great cause. Just think, only seven year ago a $42 million fundraising initiative was nothing more than some friends sitting around a bar discussing the finer points of bringing the moustache back into fashion.

Is there something that you’ve laughed about with your friends that could be something more? Is there a fun activity that you enjoy that could be transformed into a major money maker for a local charitable organization? At the CLASSY’s I realized the importance of thinking outside the box, and I encourage you to do the same.

Written by Shana Hazan

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

YNPN San Diego's Saturday with Vavi

By Jessica Rodgers...

On Saturday, October 16, eight volunteers from YNPN San Diego lined up at Vavi’s soccer, volleyball and flag football event at Mariner’s Point. All of our volunteers wore green to show off YNPN San Diego colors. Next time, we’ll be sure to have some signage and brochures to let everyone know a little more about us! Every one of the volunteers bought raffle tickets, and almost everyone walked away with a prize—Vavi had so many prizes to raffle!

Anne Bolzoni, a fundraising consultant for Vavi and also Executive Director of SANDAN (San Diego Association of Nonprofit), organized the day. Rahul and I arrived to unwrap the mini-fridge (that he later won in the raffle) and to lie out the rest of the prizes. Crysta and Rahul helped out all morning, and Quinn, Myrna, Ana and Liz carried the efforts from late morning until the end. Thanks to Vavi for sharing their pizza with our volunteers free-of-charge.

Two of the guys in charge of Vavi are also on the Board of San Diego Parks and Recreation, and they have fundraisers at each event to help increase funds. They partner with an organization at each event to get the manpower to sell raffle tickets.

Did you know that Vavi has 34,000+ participants in San Diego? Spread the word about YNPN San Diego—we’re well on our way ☺

I even saw Liz, one of our volunteers from the Vavi event, at our Meet and Greet the following Thursday. Glad to see new members joining the ranks!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Member Benefit Spotlight: Online Networking

As a current or prospective member of YNPN San Diego do you know all the benefits of being part of our community? Whether you are a new member or have been around since our chapter's genesis, here are some highlights of the YNPN San Diego member benefits. If you know someone who is not a member, but would enjoy being a member, please feel free to forward them this blog post.

YNPN San Diego is open to ALL nonprofit professionals of every age including staff, board members, and volunteers. We believe it is important to strengthen the sector my creating a network for nonprofit individuals and their organizations. The YNPN San Diego mission is focused on developing and supporting the next generation of nonprofit leaders, but this happens in concert with members of every generation. We believe that multi-generational conversations lead to richer understanding and growth of the sector in San Diego.

At this time, joining the YNPN San Diego network is FREE, but we do ask that all of our members complete a membership form to help us serve the community the best way we can. Click here for the membership form. You can also help to keep services free and low cost by making a donation today through our Facebook Cause!

Online Networking
The backbone and perhaps the biggest program at YNPN San Diego is our online networking. There are a number of ways that YNPN San Diego provides information on the nonprofit sector and next gen issues to the San Diego community. Some of these online networking tools are open to all individuals and for others it requires membership. Here is a breakdown for our online networking resources, how you can access them, share information, and more...

The YNPN San Diego listserv is our most popular online networking tool and the starting to point for most YNPN chapters around the country. The listserv is simply an email distribution list that includes over 650 subscribers and is growing every day! The listserv postings go out every morning at 8:00 a.m. To learn more about how to post to the listserv, see our recent blog post.

What can I post the listserv? We frequently get this question about YNPN San Diego in addition to being asked to post to the listserv for individuals. It is very important that if you have something to share you post it yourself. Sharing information about nonprofit events, nonprofit news, resources, and opportunities such as board and staff openings are all great examples of what you can post to the listserv. You can learn more about what we ask members not to post and our guidelines on our website through our online sharing policy.

LinkedIn Group

The YNPN San Diego LinkedIn group has nearly 400 members and is an excellent tool for sharing news links, asking questions, and posting resources for the nonprofit community as well. You can connect with the YNPN San Diego community through the LinkedIn Group and search for the YNPN San Diego profile. The YNPN San Diego profile is linked to our Twitter account so you will see more information we share by connecting through our profile today. The LinkedIn Group is open to all nonprofit professionals and does not require membership although we prefer you to be a member of YNPN San Diego as well.

Facebook Page & Cause
Becoming a Facebook Page fan is another great way to get news about YNPN San Diego and local, regional, and national resources in the nonprofit world. We often post our free programs through our Facebook Fan Page as well. Our fan base on Facebook is growing to 300 and we often link our Twitter and Facebook Fan Page posts. We share not only the news you will find on LinkedIn and the listserv, but also partner announcements. If you are interested in pursuing a partnership with YNPN San Diego, please check out our website.

We also have a Facebook Cause where you can make donations to YNPN San Diego. Financial support of YNPN San Diego is critical to keep our membership services affordable and to keep from imposing membership dues. One fun idea is to sponsor a young nonprofit professional with a recurring donation of $15 per month. Make a donation today and keep YNPN San Diego rockin'!

YNPN San Diego has nearly 1500 followers on Twitter and that's where you will find the most and quickest resources related to YNPN San Diego, our partners, and in the nonprofit and San Diego networks. Access to information related to next gen philanthropy to social media, to nonprofit events and conferences. We try to post anywhere between 5 - 10 times per day. We would love to have you retweet our information if you are following us - it's a great way to support YNPN San Diego.

Each month around the 15th we send out a newsletter sharing YNPN San Diego news, partner resources, blog highlights and more. The e-newsletter is a great way to see a round up for information from the YNPN San Diego community if you do not want to be involved in the day-to-day communications. The e-newsletter is open to anyone in the San Diego nonprofit community.

Our Blog
Of course, our blog is a great way to get news, highlights, and more about YNPN San Diego. We often have guest bloggers sharing donor, board member, and other spotlights. We want you to know about the YNPN San Diego work we do and the best way is to tell our story. The blog is open to all and is another great way to engage in dialogue. Subscribe via email to get the blog posts as they come out and share your thoughts on our posts. The more feedback we can get from you the more we can tailor or work to serve our membership.

Want more information about our online networking tools? You can visit the YNPN San Diego website for more details. We have a whole Communications Committee to manage our online networking; to learn more about them click here. What do you like or what would you change about YNPN San Diego communications? We want your feedback... share your ideas and comments here!

Monday, October 18, 2010

October Meet & Greet: Book Swap

If you’re passionate about San Diego’s nonprofit community, Young Nonprofit Professionals Network San Diego (YNPNSD) is the perfect organization for you. Whether you are new to the nonprofit sector, or a long time supporter, YNPNSD allows nonprofit professionals around San Diego to connect with one another, share beneficial resources, and enhance their own professional development.

Attending a Meet & Greet is one of the best ways to come together and meet other professionals, while enjoying a cocktail or appetizer! This year’s final Meet & Greet will be hosted at the famous Starlite Lounge on October 21st from 6pm-8pm. We will also be having an optional “book swap”, so bring any book related to the nonprofit world that you’d be willing to exchange, then swap it with another that you’d like to check out! It’s FREE to attend, so bring a friend along and mingle with other professionals who support our nonprofit community. For more details on next week’s Meet & Greet or YNPNSD, check out YNPNSD October Meet and Greet: Fall Book Swap Night or visit

Thursday, October 14, 2010

November 9th is the Day to See Rosetta Thurman!

Please note the new date...

YNPN San Diego presents:
How to Build a Strong Professional Network (from scratch)
with Top Nonprofit Blogger and Author Rosetta Thurman
Sponsored by The Leichtag Foundation

You’ve heard this many times before. The key to getting your dream nonprofit job or moving up in the sector is to network, network, and network some more. You’ve heard it so many times because it’s true. But how do you network if you don't have much of a "network?" Well, back in the day, before Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, nonprofit leaders actually made connections face to face most of the time. These days, technology has made communication much less time-consuming, however the old-fashioned methods of networking still hold true. This interactive presentation will reveal nine practical ways to build your network from scratch - both on and offline.

Registration includes light appetizers and beverages. Join us on November 9th at 6:00 p.m. Registration is only $10 and the Powerhouse Community Center!

About Rosetta Thurman

Rosetta Thurman grew up in the public housing projects of Cleveland, Ohio, and if it weren’t for the nonprofits in her community who helped her family in times of need, she doesn’t know where she would be today. She currently works and lives in Washington, DC. After working in the nonprofit community for eight years within the fields of historic preservation, youth development and capacity building, Rosetta decided to branch out into consulting to contribute to the nonprofit sector as a whole. As a writer, speaker, trainer and coach, Rosetta is passionate about sharing resources, career advice and fresh ideas to educate and inspire young professionals and people of color in doing the work of social change.

Rosetta Thurman writes about nonprofits, leadership and social change on her popular blog and her mission is to empower a new generation of leaders. She is the co-author of How to Become a Nonprofit Rockstar, 50 Ways to Accelerate Your Career, an accessible, do-it-yourself map of how to build a successful career in the nonprofit sector. Rosetta also blogs for the Chronicle of Philanthropy, the Stanford Social Innovation Review, and hosts All Nonprofits Considered, an internet radio show featuring live discussions with social change leaders. Rosetta holds a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management with a concentration in Nonprofit Management from Trinity University and a Bachelor’s Degree in English from Virginia Commonwealth University. She has also completed advanced training programs at The Fundraising School at the Center on Philanthropy at Indiana University and the Institute for Nonprofit Management at Columbia Business School.

Rosetta is an active member of the Organizational Development Network and serves on the Advisory Council for the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of DC. Rosetta has also taught nonprofit management and leadership as an Adjunct Professor in the School of Professional Studies at Trinity Washington University.In 2008, she was named a “New Leader in Philanthropy” by Greater DC Cares. In her free time, she writes poetry, cooks fancy food and listens to old school jams. She also tweets. A lot.

The Nonprofit Rockstar Tour

The Nonprofit Rockstar Book Tour begins in November 2010 with stops in Washington DC, Indianapolis, Minneapolis and San Diego.

Top nonprofit bloggers Rosetta Thurman and Trista Harris have co-authored the first book of its kind to offer career advice beyond just getting your foot in the door of a nonprofit organization. How to Become a Nonprofit Rockstar provides an accessible, do-it-yourself map of how to build a successful career in the nonprofit sector. As a result of reading this book, young professionals will be able to develop valuable nonprofit expertise, practice authentic leadership, and establish a strong personal brand.

Register here!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Start Voting Today!

YNPN San Diego is one of the TOP FIVE finalists for a Classy Award in the category of Most Innovative Use of Social Media. We need all of our members and their networks to vote for us before October 22. YNPN San Diego has spent the last few years building a network for the San Diego nonprofit community and now is the time you can give back! Help recognize our volunteer efforts to lead YNPN San Diego and provide you with all kinds of good information. We need your support today... please join us in recognizing YNPN San Diego's efforts!

Meet Our New Board Members!!!

Welcome to the new members of the YNPN San Diego Advisory Board! Below you will learn a little bit more about these dynamic individuals who are a part if YNPN San Diego's leadership team...

Laura Purdom

Laura Purdom currently works at St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center (SMSC), a day program for Adults with Developmental Disabilities. As the assistant to the Executive Director she is involved in all aspects of the organization, including operations management, event planning, marketing, board coordination, safety, assisting in the grant process and strategic planning. Prior to working at SMSC, Laura worked in the “corporate world” in a variety of fields, but most recently title and escrow services for new housing developments. During that time she was an Ambassador for the San Diego Building Industry Association.

Laura has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of California, San Diego. She is a graduate of the 2010 East County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Program and currently serves on their Marking and Recruiting Committee. When she has time, Laura enjoys volunteering at various organizations, cooking and reading a good book.

Danielle Reyes-Acosta

Danielle Reyes-Acosta is co-founder of a Carlsbad-based interactive design firm, where she interfaces with designers and developers to help non-profit, government, and corporate clients form sustainable brand identities. She also consults with Metric Systems Corporation, a Vista-based telecommunications company, assisting in their development of an international export sales campaign. In both capacities, she has been responsible for procuring and facilitating projects that encompass campaign management, web development, identity formation, and interactive application design.
Danielle has a B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara in Global Studies, where she focused largely on international human rights issues. A longtime veteran of non-profit work, she served as Fundraising Chair of the International Convention on Human Rights to hold Santa Barbara’s inaugural Human Rights Day Festival in 2006. Studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain in 2004-2005, Danielle also worked with Amnesty International at a time when the Darfur conflict inspired heightened international outcry. While at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), she continued her studies in Spanish (Castellano), Catalan, and French, and traveled throughout Spain and France to hone her skills.

A Southern California native, Danielle enjoys surfing, snowboarding, being outdoors, and giving back to her community. In addition to serving on YNPN’s Advisory Board, Danielle is YNPNSD’s Communications Committee Co-Chair, and also volunteers for the Member Relations and Fundraising Committees.

Natacha Tullier

Natacha Tullier currently works for the Girl Scouts San Diego-Imperial Council in Balboa Park. As Fund Development Assistant, she oversees the Council’s donor database, generates donor acknowledgements, financial reports, and performs prospect analysis. She also takes part in the production of the Council’s largest fundraising events, including San Diego’s Cool Women and Urban Campout. Prior to coming to the Girl Scouts, Natacha worked at the San Diego Museum of Art as Membership Assistant, soon after discovering her passion for nonprofits through an internship at the San Diego Museum of Man in 2007.

Originally from France, Natacha has tutored students in both French and English, in addition to providing freelance translation services. She is currently enrolled in the Spanish for Communication series at UCSD Extension, and hopes to become trilingual. She holds a BA in Communication and a minor in International Studies from UC San Diego.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Upcoming Fall classes at UCSD Extension

UCSD Extension offers a comprehensive program in Fundraising & Development . Students have the option to complete the entire professional certificate program, or only enroll in those classes of interest to them.

Upcoming Fall classes at UCSD Extension:

Leading & Managing the Development Function
Learn the role and fiduciary, legal responsibility of boards, how to select board members, structures and bylaws; current accounting/information systems and reporting requirements; how to organize the office, working with a mix of staff, volunteers and donors.

Instructor: Marsha Lubick, VP for Philanthropy at Sharp Healthcare Foundation
Dates & Time: Tuesdays 6:00-9:00pm; 10/26- 11/30
Register here

Pursuing Major Gifts
Examine the elements of a major gifts program. Consider techniques for identifying and cultivating major donors. Practice preparing for, conducting and documenting conversations with major gifts prospects, and review "different" forms of gifts worth accepting and seeking.

Instructor: Renee Herrell, Consultant, RCH Consulting
Dates & Time: Tuesdays 6:00-9:00pm; 11/2- 11/23
Register here

Winter 2011

The Winter quarter begins January 3rd, 2011.
Registration now open for the following Winter Classes-
Registration opening soon for these Winter classes:
For additional information, please contact:

Lisa Farnan
Program Manager
UCSD Extension
(858) 882-8039

October Encores of the Month

IdeaEncore Resources of the Month IdeaEncore Network (, a knowledge sharing website.
Looking to find and share with colleagues?
IdeaEncore provides an easy way for your organization to share what it knows, learn from others, and earn unrestricted income.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Using the YNPNSD Listserv

At YNPN San Diego we frequently receive questions about the listserv - how to post, asking us to post for organizations or individuals, requests to join, etc. Here we would like to share some general information about using the YNPN San Diego listserv to help our members understand it better.

What is the listserv? The listserv is simply an email distribution list with nearly 650 members from San Diego nonprofits! The listserv is open only to YNPN San Diego members meaning that you need to fill out a form on our website to become a member for free. The listserv is one of our greatest member-only benefits. You can post news by emailing Do not reply to a listserv digest; this will only send your message to the administrators of the listserv.

When can I see my post on the listserv? The listserv postings are sent out every day at 8:00 a.m. Therefore, if you send something to the listserv 8:30 a.m., it will be posted to the next day's digest at 8:00 a.m. This is an important detail to keep in mind for when you post - sending something to the listserv on weekday is probably going to get more traffic and attention that it would during a weekend. Currently, the majority of listserv members receive the daily digest of postings, but you can change your subscription type at any time by following the listserv instructions on our website.

Can YNPN San Diego post to the listserv for me? We can, but it is best that you post directly to the listserv rather than YNPN San Diego posting for you. The reason for this is that if there are questions about your posting (event, service, question, etc.) people will be more likely to respond directly to you. YNPN San Diego will not be able to answer the questions about your post as well as you can. We encourage all members to post to the listserv directly by emailing

What can I share on the listserv? You can share questions, resources, organizational events, and more! Anything related to nonprofits is welcome. We do not accept partisan postings or anything endorsing specific candidates. Also, any inappropriate language or content is not permitted. You can see a full list of our listserv and social media guidelines on our website. Don't forget that you are also welcome to post information to our LinkedIn Group and Facebook Page - we welcome knowledge sharing!

I've requested to join the listserv, but cannot post - why? If you cannot post to the listserv it means one of two things: 1) you have not completed a membership form and, therefore, have not been added to the listserv or 2) you completed a membership form but did not ask to be added to the listserv. You will need to become a member of YNPN San Diego to post information to the listserv. Remember, that membership is open to San Diego nonprofit professionals (staff, board, consultants, volunteers) of ALL AGES!

Please remember that YNPN San Diego is a volunteer-led organization. We update the listserv weekly, so be sure to plan ahead when you sign up to become a member and want to post to the listserv.

For more details about the YNPN San Diego's listserv and online communications including our online communications policy, visit our website.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Outstanding Young Nonprofit Leader Nomination

Do you know a young nonprofit professional in San Diego (under the age of 40) that goes above and beyond the call of duty? Now is your chance to nominate them for recognition at the 2nd Annual Classy Awards to be held on November 7th, 2010. The recipient of this recognition will be announced on stage at the Classy Awards in front of the more than 1000 award ceremony attendees.

All you have to do is complete a simple, three-question nomination form at by Sunday, October 10th at 5:00pm. Please keep each answer to 150 words or less. The survey includes the following information:
  • Nominator Name
  • Nominator Email
  • Nominator Phone
  • Nominee Name
  • Nominee Email
  • Nominee Phone
  • Please describe the nominee's involvement in the San Diego nonprofit community.
  • Please describe the nominee's achievements over the past year.
  • Share a personal story about how this person has impacted your life, or the life of someone else in the community.
To complete the survey and nominate someone, please click here!

The Process: YNPN San Diego will be responsible for determining the finalists and recipient of this recognitions.
  • YNPN San Diego accepts nominations which will be reviewed and scored by the YNPN San Diego Partnership Committee.
  • The Partnership Committee will select three top nominees based on the selection criteria.
  • The YNPN San Diego Advisory Board will review top three nominees and at their October 19th board meeting and make a final selection.
  • The Partnership Committee will contact the finalist for final review.
Recognition: The honored recipient will be asked to provide a photo to share in the 2nd Annual Classy Awards montage and will be recognized on stage at the Classy Awards on November 7th.

Thank you to everyone who nominates an outstanding young nonprofit leader!! This is great way to honor and support the next generation of amazing leaders in the San Diego nonprofit community - join the movement today!
To complete the survey and nominate someone, please click here!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In case you missed September's Meet and Greet...

Highlights from the September Meet and Greet from Erin Miller, YNPN San Diego Committee Member

Young nonprofit professionals from all over San Diego convened at the Bamboo Lounge Sept. 16 to enjoy each other’s company, learn about one another’s work and explore leadership opportunities for young professionals in San Diego. Many thanks to Bamboo Lounge for hosting us!

With the theme of the meet and greet, “Developing local leadership in San Diego’s civic and service communities”, YNPN San Diego brought together local leaders from within YNPN San Diego, New Leaders Council, Stay Classy and Mama’s Kitchen to inspire the attendees to become leaders in the community.

Megan Lim, board member for YNPN San Diego as well as NLC opened the program and talked about her experience as a part of both YNPN San Diego and NLC.

After Megan, Pat Walsh of Stay Classy encouraged the crowd to nominate their favorite nonprofit charity for the second annual Stay Classy Awards. Described as the Academy Awards of nonprofit work the Classy Awards recognize the top philanthropic achievement in eight cities across the country. While the nomination period is closed stay tuned for the Nov. 7 announcement of finalists and voting.

Carlos Marquez, Co-Director of NLC began by flattering the audience; praising the intelligence and leadership within the room. Marquez then spoke of the importance of San Diego’s young professionals in forwarding the progressive agenda. He encouraged all in the room to apply for the 2011 NLC Institute.

Alberto Cortes, Executive Director of Mama’s Kitchen shared his passion for civic involvement by reminding the attendees “Society is measured by its ability to serve those less fortunate.” Cortes also reminded participants that involvement no matter how small is impactful in a big way.

Thanks to all who came out and contributed to the event’s success. We are looking forward to carrying the momentum from this event to our October 21 Back to School Book Swap Meet and Greet! Watch our Facebook Page for more pictures from the event!

Friday, September 17, 2010

YNPNSD Final '10 Meet and Greet: Fall Book Swap Night

Announcing this year’s final Young Nonprofit Professionals Network San Diego (YNPNSD) Meet and Greet! Mark your calendars as we celebrate the coming of fall and the opportunity to network with San Diego nonprofit professionals.

This Meet and Greet will be taking place on Thursday, October 21st on the private outdoor deck of the fabulous Starlite located on India Street. As we welcome back all new and returning professionals, enjoy Starlite’s exclusive happy hour including food specials and discounted drinks, such as the renowned Starlite Mule, $3 beers, and $3 well drinks until 7:00pm.
  • When: October 21st, 2010 6:00-8:00pm
  • Where: Starlite, 3175 India St, San Diego, CA 92103
  • Cost: FREE
YNPNSD will also be hosting a “book swap” throughout the event as a fun way to share valuable resources with each other. Just bring a book focused on nonprofit issues that you’d be willing to part with, and make an exchange for one that you’d like to check out! As always, all YNPNSD members and non-members are welcome whether or not you bring a book, so please spread the word to all your friends and join us! The fun starts at 6:00pm so arrive early for the best parking.

This will be a great opportunity to meet and mingle with other nonprofit professionals in the San Diego community.

YNPN San Diego services are free to the San Diego nonprofit community. Please consider making a donation of any size at our event. To learn more about our mission, programs, and opportunities, visit

We hope to see you there!

*Starlite is 21+ venue

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nominate for StayClassy Awards Today!

The CLASSY Awards is an awards competition recognizing the top philanthropic achievements by charities, businesses, and individuals in eight major cities nationwide: Boston, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, New York City, San Diego, San Francisco, and Washington D.C.

The CLASSY Awards isn't just a popularity contest - it's focused on tangible action and results. We're looking to recognize and highlight the greatest achievements - large and small - by individuals and organizations giving back to the community. Last year's award winners rappelled off buildings to raise money, started orphanages for abused and neglected children in Tijuana, and built giant structures out of tens of thousands of cans to collect food donations. We're looking forward to seeing how this year's nominees are giving back!

Beginning August 1, America is invited to nominate praiseworthy charities, business and individuals for ten (10) awards categories. Based on those nominations, a panel of judges in each city will determine the nominees who have the most compelling stories, the most "out of the box" ideas and have made the greatest impact on their communities. The top five (5) nominees in each category, in each city will be deemed City Finalists and will then be voted on by the public. The City Finalists with the most online votes in each category will be crowned the City Award Winners, and automatically entered into online voting for a National CLASSY Award.

The competition will culminate at a red-carpet awards ceremony on Sunday, November 7 in Downtown San Diego, CA featuring a host of celebrity presenters, chart-topping music talent, nonprofit industry leaders, social media gurus, and hundreds (if not thousands) of CLASSY Awards supporters. More than $100,000 in the form of cash and in-kind services will be donated to support the charitable efforts of the ten (10) National CLASSY Awards Winners. All City Award Winners will be given two (2) complimentary tickets to attend the CLASSY Awards ceremony.

With the help of our 2nd Annual CLASSY Awards partners, the event is sure to dazzle and inspire all who attend.

Board Member Spotlight: Cynthia Skogerboe

What are your roles within the nonprofit community (staff, volunteer, philanthropist, etc.)?

My passion lies in raising people out of poverty. I’ve tried to shape my various roles in the community to reflect this passion at different levels by involvement with local and international relief efforts, literacy and education, and the infrastructure support organizations that assist the sector.

I am currently on staff as the Senior Staff Manager and a Consultant with NP Strategies and in addition to financially supporting NP Strategies and YNPN San Diego, my husband and I tithe to our church, provide a monthly sponsorship for a boy living in Malawi through Children of the Nations.

Tell us about how you’re currently involved with YNPN San Diego.

Since joining YNPN San Diego, I’ve been a Co-Chair for the Board Development Committee, an internal Advisory Board Committee that drives the Board recruitment, assessment and strategic planning for the organization. Most recently, I serve as Advisory Board Treasurer, working with Volunteer San Diego and our Executive Team to manage financial reporting and oversight.

What advice would you give emerging leaders who are interested in the nonprofit sector?

Focus on your interests. So often the advice is to just ‘dive in,’ but oftentimes, whether looking for a new job, volunteer position or even in giving, it’s easy to get pulled in a million different directions and spread yourself (and your resources) thin. Just as it’s important for organizations to clarify vision, mission and values to ensure successful growth, so too should you have a personal (or family) vision, mission and values you refer to in decision-making. Then, it’s easier to focus your time, treasure and talent on those things you care most about. It’s bound to prove a more successful engagement in the long run, provide deeper levels of satisfaction and prevent burn-out!

Just for fun – what’s the best joke you’ve ever heard?

Best joke? Too tough. How about most recent joke compliments to my sister:
Q: Where does the King keep his armies?
A: Up his sleevies.


PHEW! Cynthia is DEFINITELY out in the community. If that's not enough, she also donates her time and/or treasures to:

September Encores of the Month

IdeaEncore Network, a knowledge sharing website.
Looking to find and share with colleagues?
IdeaEncore provides an easy way for your organization to share what it knows, learn from others, and earn unrestricted income.

UCSD Extension's Fundraising and Development Program

UCSD Extension offers a comprehensive program in Fundraising & Development. Students have the option to complete the entire professional certificate program, or only enroll in those classes of interest to them.

Fall 2010 courses of interest for fundraising/nonprofit work:
The Fall quarter begins the week of September 20th.
Click course titles to view descriptions, fees & start/end dates.

Overview of Fundraising & Development Processes

Overview of Nonprofit Organizations
Conducting Capital Campaigns
Leading & Managing the Development Function
Annual Giving
Pursuing Major Gifts
Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations
Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations

Elements of Marketing (Online or In-Class)
Marketing via New Media (Online)
Public Relations Tools & Tactics
Event Management I

For more information please contact:

Lisa Farnan
Business & Professional Programs
(858) 882-8039

Sunday Coffee Hour with YNPN San Diego

What are hiring managers really looking at on my resume? Should I be updating my resume even when I'm not job searching? Does my cover letter even matter? What should I expect in an interview? What skills do I need to succeed in the nonprofit sector? Are there job boards that specialize in nonprofit jobs?

Join your fellow YNPN San Diego members for some informal “coffee banter” and networking while getting support and/or... sharing your personal experiences on scoring your dream job in the nonprofit sector.

We will have a couple experts around to answer questions about the nonprofit sector, building a resume or interviewing techniques. As a take away for attending we will provide a list of additional resources to help you navigate through the nonprofit sector!

Bring your resume. Share resources. Enjoy some coffee or tea! Stop by for a short while or come for the whole time.

Where: Filter, 4096 30th St, San Diego, CA
When: September 26 · 1:00pm - 4:00pm

RSVP here!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hope you will join us for the ynpnsd and NLC Meet and Greet on Sept. 16. Register today!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

YNPNSD's New Volunteer Management Style

In the last few months, we've been trying an approach that Mariel Berry (Board Co-Chair) and I learned about from YNPN San Francisco Bay Area at the YNPN National Leaders Conference in April. What approach is this, you ask? Formal volunteer management--after all, we are an ALL-VOLUNTEER-RUN organization. I'd say it's a rather important element, wouldn't you?

We meet with all new prospective volunteers to offer a kind of orientation about the organization and to assess what position would be the best fit for the volunteer. We've even recruited a new volunteer to help with this management process. Jocelyn Garcia of Volunteer San Diego brings a fabulous set of volunteer recruitment/management skills.

Here's how it works: A new member joins YNPN San Diego and expresses interest on his or her application in joining a committee. If there are open opportunities on that committee, then Jocelyn and I arrange a meeting at which we get to talk about all the fabulous things YNPN San Diego is up to now that we've had an AWESOME strategic planning session with NP Strategies (your org really MUST do this). Then, we talk about the new member's expectations and wishes for a volunteer opportunity, and, based on his or her availabilty and needs, we find the right position on the right committee. The next step is an "E-Introduction" (this is coming to be quite popular for networking) to to the Committee Chair who then invites the volunteer to a committee meeting.

After the new volunteer fills out a quick email survey a few weeks later (very few questions, but...just enough I'd say), we figure out exactly what needs to happen to ensure a satisfying volunteer experience. I'm not gonna lie...people almost always want more :) That's why we have board recruitment twice a year--hint hint...we are currently in the middle of recruitment now, so the time has never been better to send in your application if you're interested in some excellent hands-on professional development as a 2010-11 YNPN San Diego Board Member. Learn more about applying to the Board by clicking here.

What do you think about this process? How can we change or improve?

Blog post by Jessica Rodgers. Interested in contributing to this blog? Email us at

Monday, August 23, 2010

Donor Spotlight: Kimmi Long by Danielle Reyes-Acosta

Danielle: What attracted you to YNPN San Diego and our last program?

Kimmi: The thing that attracted me to YNPN San Diego is that there is nothing like it in our entire county! What keeps me coming back are opportunities to grow and learn like the workshops and the amazing networking opportunities that YNPN San Diego makes possible.

Danielle: What prompted you to give to YNPN San Diego for the first time?

Kimmi: As soon as I attended an event, I saw the immense value in both experience I would gain and people I would meet through YNPN San Diego and I donated what I could on the spot.

Danielle: How are you involved with the San Diego nonprofit community?

Kimmi: I have worked with a variety of nonprofits throughout San Diego County, many focused on helping homeless youth and then the peripheral groups working to help raise money for the core organizations. I've been a founder and Executive Director (ED) of an nonprofit organization (NPO) here in San Diego, a grant writer, a public relations liaison, a volunteer at over 50 fundraising and program events during the past eight years, as well as worn many other hats to help out whenever I could. The list of NPOs I've helped out with include, but aren't limited to: YNPN San Diego (of course!), Surfrider Foundation San Diego, Stone Brewing annual fundraiser (five years), Ivey Ranch Riding program for kids with autism and other challenges, Second Chance, StandUp for Kids, The Monarch School and San Diego Youth Services.

Danielle: What was the most creative development workshop in which you have ever participated?

: Danielle, I'm horrified to admit that I have not yet participated in one of the workshops! I have been to many of the networking events and then with my commitment to Member Relations Committee over the past two years, I haven't yet had time to also do a workshop!

Danielle: How did you initially become involved in YNPN San Diego, and how do you see its programs as playing a role in the development of other young professionals?

Kimmi: I was looking all over for a support system and set of resources as I began the journey as founder and ED (and everything else) for the NPO I was starting eight years ago (The Grom Project.) There was nothing to be found...until several years later I came across Emily Davis who was starting YNPN San Diego. I've been a devout member ever since! The YNPN San Diego programs that exist and ones that are in the making are all about connecting young nonprofit professionals not only with each other, but also with seasoned nonprofit leaders in our community. That is incredible on both counts and really helps the younger generation not only learn and grow, but feel really comfortable with the idea of true collaboration and cooperation. I believe such collaboration on projects, events and even with grant opportunities will truly help build an incredibly strong San Diego nonprofit community.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nominate YNPN San Diego!

YNPN San Diego needs your help! We are asking our members to take a few minutes to nominate us for the award, Most Innovative Use of Social Media, through the Stay Classy Awards. Share with Stay Classy how the online network and community YNPN San Diego provides helps you and makes a difference. The winner of this category will receive a $10,000 donation! YNPN San Diego could certainly use this to keep our services going.

While YNPN San Diego is run primarily by volunteers, we need funding to keep services and programming available for our membership. A lot goes into maintaining our online communications. Nominating us for a Stay Classy Award is a great way to support our efforts without spending a dime... although we would love that too!

All you need to do is complete a simple, short online form and let them know why YNPN San Diego should be nominated. Thanks in advance for taking the time to support your network of emerging nonprofit leaders!

Fall Meet and Greet with New Leaders Council on September 16th!

Please join YNPN San Diego for a special summer Meet and Greet with the New Leaders Council on September 16th at Bamboo Lounge! We will have guest speakers including Alberto Cortes, Executive Director of Mama’s Kitchen and our very own Megan Lim, Development Director at the San Diego Public Library Foundation.

The theme of this Meet and Greet is the importance of developing local leadership in San Diego’s civic and service communities. Bamboo Lounge has some great food, drinks, and a patio and should be a perfect venue for mixing and mingling with young professionals working throughout San Diego’s nonprofit and civic communities.
  • When: September 16, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. (Short talk to begin promptly at 6:45 p.m., followed by more mixing and mingling!)
  • Where: Bamboo Lounge, 1475 University Avenue, 92103
  • Cost: Free to attend! (Cash Bar).
  • What: We'll hear from local nonprofit leaders on the importance of developing local leadership in San Diego's civic and service communities.
Register today!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

YNPNSD Recruiting Board Members!

Calling all talented young nonprofit leaders! If you are looking for an amazing opportunity to build and maximize your skills within the San Diego nonprofit community, consider joining the YNPN San Diego Advisory Board! 

With more than 600 members, the Young Nonprofit Professionals Network of San Diego is growing quickly.

We continue to seek the expertise and commitment of our members to guide our organization through its next phase of development. 

Board membership is an unparalleled opportunity to be part of a welcoming and interesting group of colleagues at the regional and national level, and develop one’s own leadership in and knowledge of the nonprofit sector. Use your talent and develop new leadership skills as part of the YNPN San Diego Advisory Board.

Applicants should be YNPN San Diego members and currently engaged as a professional or volunteer in the nonprofit sector and should display: 

  • Commitment to YNPN San Diego’s mission of strengthening the next generation of nonprofit leaders by making nonprofit careers more viable for young people;
  • Outstanding leadership skills. We are particularly looking for those with skills in: accounting, resource development and fundraising and database management; and
  • Willingness to act as an ambassador for YNPN San Diego’s in the nonprofit community and the ability to meet the responsibilities outlined here.
The deadline for applications and resumes is August 27th. You can find the application and process on our website. The Board Development Committee will review applications and follow up with interviews. Prospective candidates will be invited to a YNPN San Diego Board meeting to get an inside look into how YNPN San Diego operates. If you have any questions, email us at

Monday, August 9, 2010

August Encores of the Month

IdeaEncore Resources of the Month
IdeaEncore Network (, a knowledge sharing website.

Looking to find and share with colleagues?
IdeaEncore provides an easy way for your organization to share what it knows, learn from others, and earn unrestricted income.

Monday, July 12, 2010

July Encores of the Month

IdeaEncore Resources of the Month
IdeaEncore Network (, a knowledge sharing marketplace.

Looking to find and share with colleagues?
IdeaEncore provides an easy way for your organization to share what it knows, learn from others, and earn unrestricted income.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Have a job to share?

At YNPN San Diego we want to remind all of our members that sharing job openings through the YNPN San Diego network is a great way to bring interest to your organization along with lots of great candidates! You can use the YNPN San Diego network in many ways:

  1. Post the YNPNSD listserv (nearly 600 individuals) by emailing the job posting to
  2. Post to our LinkedIn job board
  3. Post the link on our Facebook Page
There are also plenty of resources locally and nationally where you can look for a job and post jobs. You'll find a nice list of these links on our website under the Career Resources page. Some of our favorite spots to look for and post jobs include:
If you're looking for a job nothing beats networking and building personal relationships within the community - if people know you personally you have a better chance of getting that job you want. Of course, gaining experience where you might have gaps in skills always helps too! YNPN San Diego is always looking for board and committee members who are looking to develop their skills while helping to contribute to our organization - be part of the movement!

Has a job posting led with YNPN San Diego led to your finding a job or filling a position? Share the news hear and let us know!