As a current or prospective
member of
YNPN San Diego do you know all the benefits of being part of our community? Whether you are a
new member or have been around since our chapter's genesis, here are some highlights of the
YNPN San Diego member benefits. If you know someone who is not a member, but would enjoy being a member, please feel free to forward them this blog post.
YNPN San Diego is open to ALL nonprofit professionals of every age including staff, board members, and volunteers. We believe it is important to strengthen the sector my creating a network for nonprofit individuals and their organizations. The
YNPN San Diego mission is focused on developing and supporting the next generation of nonprofit leaders, but this happens in concert with members of every generation. We believe that multi-generational conversations lead to richer understanding and growth of the sector in San Diego.
At this time, joining the
YNPN San Diego network is FREE, but we do ask that all of our members complete a
membership form to help us serve the community the best way we can. Click
here for the membership form. You can also help to keep services free and low cost by making a donation today through our
Facebook Cause!
Online NetworkingThe backbone and perhaps the biggest program at
YNPN San Diego is our
online networking. There are a number of ways that
YNPN San Diego provides information on the nonprofit sector and next gen issues to the San Diego community. Some of these online networking tools are open to all individuals and for others it requires membership. Here is a breakdown for our online networking resources, how you can access them, share information, and more...
ListservThe YNPN San Diego listserv is our most popular online networking tool and the starting to point for most YNPN chapters around the country. The listserv is simply an email distribution list that includes over 650 subscribers and is growing every day! The listserv postings go out every morning at 8:00 a.m. To learn more about how to post to the listserv, see our
recent blog post.
What can I post the listserv? We frequently get this question about YNPN San Diego in addition to being asked to post to the listserv for individuals. It is very important that if you have something to share you post it yourself. Sharing information about nonprofit events, nonprofit news, resources, and opportunities such as board and staff openings are all great examples of what you can post to the listserv. You can learn more about what we ask members not to post and our guidelines on our website through our
online sharing policy.
LinkedIn GroupThe YNPN San Diego LinkedIn group has nearly 400 members and is an excellent tool for sharing news links, asking questions, and posting resources for the nonprofit community as well. You can connect with the YNPN San Diego community through the LinkedIn Group and search for the
YNPN San Diego profile. The YNPN San Diego profile is linked to our Twitter account so you will see more information we share by connecting through our profile today. The
LinkedIn Group is open to all nonprofit professionals and does not require membership although we prefer you to be a member of YNPN San Diego as well.
Facebook Page & CauseBecoming a Facebook Page fan is another great way to get news about YNPN San Diego and local, regional, and national resources in the nonprofit world. We often post our free programs through our
Facebook Fan Page as well. Our fan base on Facebook is growing to 300 and we often link our Twitter and Facebook Fan Page posts. We share not only the news you will find on LinkedIn and the listserv, but also partner announcements. If you are interested in pursuing a
partnership with YNPN San Diego, please check out our
We also have a
Facebook Cause where you can make donations to YNPN San Diego. Financial support of YNPN San Diego is critical to keep our membership services affordable and to keep from imposing membership dues. One fun idea is to sponsor a young nonprofit professional with a recurring donation of $15 per month. Make a donation today and keep YNPN San Diego rockin'!
TwitterYNPN San Diego has nearly 1500 followers on Twitter and that's where you will find the most and quickest resources related to YNPN San Diego, our partners, and in the nonprofit and San Diego networks. Access to information related to next gen philanthropy to social media, to nonprofit events and conferences. We try to post anywhere between 5 - 10 times per day. We would love to have you retweet our information if you are following us - it's a great way to support YNPN San Diego.
E-NewsletterEach month around the 15th we send out a newsletter sharing YNPN San Diego news, partner resources, blog highlights and more. The e-newsletter is a great way to see a round up for information from the YNPN San Diego community if you do not want to be involved in the day-to-day communications. The e-newsletter is open to anyone in the San Diego nonprofit community.
Our BlogOf course, our blog is a great way to get news, highlights, and more about YNPN San Diego. We often have guest bloggers sharing donor, board member, and other spotlights. We want you to know about the YNPN San Diego work we do and the best way is to tell our story. The blog is open to all and is another great way to engage in dialogue. Subscribe via email to get the blog posts as they come out and share your thoughts on our posts. The more feedback we can get from you the more we can tailor or work to serve our membership.
Want more information about our online networking tools? You can visit the YNPN San Diego website for more details. We have a whole Communications Committee to manage our online networking; to learn more about them click here. What do you like or what would you change about YNPN San Diego communications? We want your feedback... share your ideas and comments here!