Saturday, February 20, 2010

Let YNPN San Diego Help YOUR Career!

Career Resources Page at YNPN San Diego

Many YNPN members are unaware of the great career resources available on the YNPN Website ( The YNPN Career Resource Page highlights local and national resources for non-profit organizations, including links to local non-profit job listings, industry news and professional development sites. The page is managed by YNPN members who have their fingers on the pulse of the San Diego non-profit community and best of all – it’s free!

One of the questions we often get is, “why doesn’t YNPN San Diego have a job board?” The answer is simple: there are already many great resources out there in the community and nationally. It is our job to connect you with those resources and promote the efforts of others. At YNPN San Diego we focus on collaboration, not duplication. You can see a perfect example of this in our Career Resources page on our website.

Many people are looking for a job these days or know someone who is – be sure to take advantage of this great resource to find the job and information you need in your career. We are always looking to improve our member benefits so please be sure to send comments, suggestions, or feedback to:

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