Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thanks YNPN San Diego Volunteers!!!

In honor of National Volunteer Week, YNPN San Diego would like to thank all of the volunteers who have made YNPN San Diego’s first year in operation a huge success. YNPN San Diego volunteers can feel proud about their accomplishments in this past year which include growing the membership to over 400 members and holding numerous successful Meet and Greet events and Professional Development seminars. We look forward to another great year as we continue to engage and support future nonprofit and community leaders through professional development, networking and social opportunities. We hope everyone will join us at our upcoming events including our next Professional Development workshop - Powerful Partnerships: Intergenerational Coaching. We are also always looking for new members for our board and committees.

Find us on our blog, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn

Please show your support by considering a donation to YNPN San Diego today!

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